For post newlywed to post menopause 1/28: Ruchama Haber 2/4: Shevy Samet 2/11: Rina Bobrow 2/18: Baila Friedman 2/25: Rivka Senter
Join as we explore the mechanics and parameters of free will according to the timeless teachings of Rav Dessler זצ״ל. Gain an appreciation of how enriching and empowering our ability […]
Break away from unproductive patterns and move towards a life of compassion and connection Join a Chaburah with meaningful conversation; delving into the book “Living Aligned” by Rabbi Baruch Gardner […]
Join as we explore the mechanics and parameters of free will according to the timeless teachings of Rav Dessler זצ״ל. Gain an appreciation of how enriching and empowering our ability […]
Break away from unproductive patterns and move towards a life of compassion and connection Join a Chaburah with meaningful conversation; delving into the book “Living Aligned” by Rabbi Baruch Gardner […]
Hallel & Inspiration
Break away from unproductive patterns and move towards a life of compassion and connection Join a Chaburah with meaningful conversation; delving into the book “Living Aligned” by Rabbi Baruch Gardner […]