Aviva Biberfeld

Dr. Aviva Biberfeld is a clinical psychologist in practice for 30 years , treating children, adolescents and adults.She has been supervising professionals with varying level of experience for over 30 years. She lectures widely to professional and lay audiences on a variety of clinical subjects and has written for publications such as Spirit magazine, Atime and is currently a writer for ‘The Couch’ a mental health feature in the Yated. Dr Biberfeld is an adjunct professor at Wurzweiler School of Social work/ Sara Schneirer program.
Dr. Biberfeld has been giving shiurim and workshops for over 25 years on diverse subjects including Dating and Marriage, Parenting,Self esteem, Teenage Development parsha and yomim tovim and a wide variety of hashkafa topics. She is currently teaching at a new venue in Monsey , The Space , a course in Psychology and Hashkafa.